Why does the AmeriWeb Hosting logo bounce? Because it is FUN. No other reason! LOL

What is the difference between
Website Marketing and Management?

Website Services

AmeriWeb Hosting offers both website marketing and management services. While each is a distinct function for your web site, they often overlap in features.

Unsure How to Jump Start Your Site?
Understanding Marketing vs Management

Marketing uses creative skills to advertise company products and services. It includes brand awareness, developing consumer needs and new product or service introductions.

Management uses leadership and managerial skills to improve a company's efficiency and production.

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Narrowing it down specifically to web sites:

Marketing of a site often includes enhancing listings on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, DuckDuck, Etc). It includes social media, press releases, and any source that causes visits to your web site. This is where we research and insert key words or key phrases in the proper quantity (too often can be worse than too little!) and more.

Management is more involved with the structure of your site and includes syntax, load speed, code enhancements, even spelling and grammar. It also includes security, DDoS attack protection, malware and virus scanning, and much more. A web site that simply loads slowly, has syntax or text misspellings or poorly chosen keywords will rank poorly on Google. Simply speeding up delivery of your pages can raise your listing ranking several levels, for instance.

Where do Visitors Come From?

  • Direct - Your URL typed directly into the visitor's browser. Sources include business cards, signage, flyers, newspaper advertising, even phone calls.
  • Referral - Your URL listed on other web sites. Sources include chamber of commerce listings, customer or vendor links to your site, etc.
  • Email - Visits caused by your outgoing emails, whether soliciting business or simply due to your email's signature at the bottom (you have one, right?).
  • Organic Search - Search Engine and Directory listing generated visitors. Sources include Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.
  • Organic Social - Visitors sent from social media. Sources include LinkedIn, Facebook, X, etc.
AmeriWeb offers both services in our packages at very affordable prices, starting at only $29.95 per month. You choose 12x, 6x, 4, or 3x per year automated work. One time checkups also available. Contact us for a free proposal and report!

Read more on each service here: Marketing/Management

Contact Us With Your Questions! email: sales2@ameriwebhosting.com 

Call Us : (773) 735-5144

Have a Question?
Call Us and lets explore your site and what you want to accomplish: 773-735-5144
  • Keyword Selection and Insertion into your site
  • Listing Submission to approx 300 directories, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, DuckDuck
  • Meta tag writing and insertion
  • htaccess Optimization and robots.txt Optimization
  • Add Schema Code
  • Add json code
  • OG: tag writing and insertion
  • Geo Tag Location Code
  • Set Language Flag
  • Site structure error identification and correction
  • Sitemap development and insertion
  • Speed Enhancements
  • Spell Checking
  • Add favicon

We can service your site either on a one time basis or monthly, both at very reason able cost.

Ottawa Canada WebServer Location
Our main hosting servers are dispursed into 3 regions, Chicago, Virginia and Ottawa Canada. We do this for safety, if there is a blackout in one area, we have others that continue to run. We also share your site on a network of computers that serve your WebSite over 310 data centers in 310 cities and 120 countries. If one world area should happen to go down, access is automatically provided by the next geographically close server. This is a free service available to all AmeriWeb Hosting customers.

cPanel DirectAdmin Apache Linux Centos Microsoft Parallels Fantastico Comodo Cisco AT&T Global Crossing Level 3 MCI

Customer Support

We offer full customer support during normal business hours, and are available 24/7 including all holidays for emergency services as needed.


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